Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 4-10

A decent week of training.  Realizing how close I am starting to get to the 50 miler at Sulphur Springs on May 25, and starting to worry.  Low volume, as my shin has been bothering me, but all enjoyable.  Took Neb (the dawg) with a few times - he slowed me down (and I'm already slow), as he's not a fast runner, but he had fun.  I'll try to get out with him a few times a week during the cooler weather (hey, part Husky, doesn't love the warm). 

Highlights of the week - hill repeats on trail after the blizzard (without snowshoes, WHAT was I thinking!!!???  Damn near killed me), and a family snowshoe outing on the 10th to Dundas Valley Conservation Area to scout out part of the Sulphur Springs course (me, Toby, and the dogs) followed by a 19k long run. 

May seem far away but isn't.  I have some good things to look forward to before then, including some snowshoe racing, fastpacking, and self-supported trail runs (including the very important Runaway Golf Cart Marathon/Half-Marathon/10k on Masters Weekend...for the golf fans).  I can't forget the Toronto Marathon either, three weeks out from Sulphur, so I'm running it as training.  I have a goal time for Sulphur, though ultimately I'd just like to run respectably and finish.  My first 50 mile race, so it will be a matter of sorting stuff out.

I moved back to Infinit from gels for the long run on the 10th.  Since I lost ~30 minutes, if not more, to tummy troubles at Haliburton Forest in 2012, and that was down to not taking in enough water with my gels, I think Infinit may be the safer option.  I need to be aware so that I'm getting enough calories, but it shouldn't upset my stomach.  I'd rather take myself out of a bonk (though I think I can manage to avoid it altogether) then try to calm an angry digestive system - Immodium did not help at Haliburton.  Ordered some new Infinit, as I'm currently training on expired stuff (heh) and I lowered the protein, to try to help with the foaming, and added caffeine.  We'll see how it goes.

Weight-wise I remain plateaued.  I need to get serious about this again, have the fear of slowness put in me - I have races coming up!  Time to get in gear!  

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